Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LYS Closing

I was surprised to get an email with no newsletter from Yarn To Go
this week. Then, I was pleased to read about a BIG sale (50% off).
Then I started thinking that it didn't feel right. Well, rightfully
so. My LYS is closing. Now I haven't been in in awhile because it is
about 60 miles from my house so I had no idea. So after work today I
headed to town and did what I could to help clear out their inventory.
I got some beautiful yarn, some needles, and the book "Lace Style" by
Pam Allen and Ann Budd.
Still it is a sad day.
Till next time..

1 comment:

Becky G said...

OH, man I hate that! I feel for you. I have to drive all the way to Hank of Yarn in Southaven, or down to Jackson to get to a LYS. Still, I guess it's good in a way. Keeps me within my yarn budget.