Sunday, April 27, 2008

Surprise! Rainy Days & Baby Surprise Jacket

I went outside to find something that was a bit of a surprise. This is a reflection of a holly tree in the water standing in a depression in my driveway. I guess the lesson is that even in the depressions of our lives, something good can still shine through!

Well, since my goal is to post once a week so I will have time to knit, this will be short. Today I finished my first (I'm sure there will be others) Baby Surprise Jacket and couldn't wait to post it! (I'm beelke2 on Flickr - ,if you would like to see a picture). The day has been overcast and rainy since about noon. When I first got up this morning I knew I only had about 10 ridges before the knitting was finished on my EZ Baby Suprise Jacket. So I jumped right in and got that part done. Then came the part that I really don't enjoy, weaving in the ends and sewing the seams. I even surprised myself that I got that done, washed the garmet, and it is now drying to the blocked size. I'm really pleased with the way it turned out.

...till next time,


1 comment:

Megan Wolfe said...

Nice. :) I like your pics that you're posting on flickr, very artistic.

You might also add a quickie link to on your blog links to make it easy for people; right at the top of the list.