Today is a beautiful Sunday in the South. The sun is shining; the birds are singing; and the trees and grass have turned green once again. Spring is definitely here! So why am I in the house on this computer?!
Because I am beginning a new chapter in my life. I'm learning to blog. Ok, I know it is no big deal to most of you out there. Why, I've been reading blogs for years! I watched my daughter, Meghann, create a web page and blog years ago. She's since finished 5 years of art school in SF, has gotten married, and has been working for at least a year. After all these years, she still has her site, which is one of the ways I am able to see what she does with her art work. Oh the wonders of the web!
I suppose several things peaked my interest in creating this blog at this particular time. On my way to work (I drive about 45 minutes one way) I like to listen to podcasts, mostly knitting podcasts, but others, too. I learn so much from the creative people who give so much of their lives to the delight of others. And they almost all have blogs where they lists links to the information that they talk about on their podcasts. I love to read, so I chase the links that lead to unlimited information about the times and adventures of real people.
The second reason I've decided to give this a try is because of the knitting community Ravelry! It has been so much fun to see what everyone is doing and what they like. So many people have blogs. So, if they can, why can't I? We'll see where it leads. (If you are a knitter, crocheter or other fiber artist and you aren't on Ravelry, you really should check it out! http://www.ravelry.com/)
Thus begins a new chapter in my life, my thoughts all knit together in one place. I'm sure some of it should, from time to time, be frogged (ripped out). But I'm excited to see how it develops! (I feel like I should have some catchy phrase to end with, but all I can think of is )
Because I am beginning a new chapter in my life. I'm learning to blog. Ok, I know it is no big deal to most of you out there. Why, I've been reading blogs for years! I watched my daughter, Meghann, create a web page and blog years ago. She's since finished 5 years of art school in SF, has gotten married, and has been working for at least a year. After all these years, she still has her site, which is one of the ways I am able to see what she does with her art work. Oh the wonders of the web!
I suppose several things peaked my interest in creating this blog at this particular time. On my way to work (I drive about 45 minutes one way) I like to listen to podcasts, mostly knitting podcasts, but others, too. I learn so much from the creative people who give so much of their lives to the delight of others. And they almost all have blogs where they lists links to the information that they talk about on their podcasts. I love to read, so I chase the links that lead to unlimited information about the times and adventures of real people.
The second reason I've decided to give this a try is because of the knitting community Ravelry! It has been so much fun to see what everyone is doing and what they like. So many people have blogs. So, if they can, why can't I? We'll see where it leads. (If you are a knitter, crocheter or other fiber artist and you aren't on Ravelry, you really should check it out! http://www.ravelry.com/)
Thus begins a new chapter in my life, my thoughts all knit together in one place. I'm sure some of it should, from time to time, be frogged (ripped out). But I'm excited to see how it develops! (I feel like I should have some catchy phrase to end with, but all I can think of is )
....till next time.
i wanna see some knitting designs now :D
Thanks. Did you notice the "p" is still not working part of the time? Looks like I can' spell!
Looks good!
It was easy to set up too eh? :D You got it up and running pretty quick.
Welcome to the bloggosphere! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
megan, Thanks! It was easy to set up. I'm now trying to add some buttons. Maybe this weekend I'll figure it out.
Becky, Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to learning a lot.
update your blog!
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