Sunday, August 3, 2008

STILL Trying to Stay Cool!

Yes, that is really snow! I'm dreaming of cooler times. Can you believe that was only 5 short months ago?
I can't believe that summer is almost gone. What really marks the end of summer, anyway? I've always believed that it ended with the beginning of the new school year. The heat wave that is gripping most of the country seems to be ignoring that theory. Other than getting out to go to work, I've been staying home in the cool air-conditioning (like most people, I think.)

I have been doing quite a bit of knitting since my last post. The Ann Budd Lacy Socks are finished. Mary and I were knitting these together and discovered that she is a loose knitter, while I am a tight knitter. Hers fit me, and mine fit her so we will be exchanging! What fun! I'm ready to start another pair but need to go through my patterns to choose.

Since the first one I made, I have thought that EZ's Baby Surprise Jacket is adorable. I know several people who are expecting little bundles of joy soon, so I have been knitting these little jackets for gifts. Since I last posted, I have finished two. Well, ok, I had already finished the knitting on one, but I have since added the buttons and knitted a hat to go with it. The second one is also finished. I changed it up just a little and knit in some stockinette rows since the yarn has been discontinued, and I couldn't get a second color to use for stripes. I really do like the variation on the stitching. I think on the next one I might try some other stitches as well. Since all the babies that are ready to come on the scene are girls, this one had to have some pink added to it. I thought the little buttons all the way around on the stockinette ridge were a cute touch.

(Ok, I can't seem to get this picture to turn correctly, so just turn your heads a little - call it exercise!)

Haven't made much progress on my Print O' Waves Shawl, so nothing to reort there. I have to have complete silence in order to follow the pattern. Mostly, I think I'm a little bored with it because I keep starting other projects instead of picking this one up. Finished one more section this weekend so I guess there is some progress. I did finish a couple of washcloths, one from the Mason-Dixon Book and one from the Cloth of the Week site. No pictures.

I'm also working on a cover for my laptop. Just made the pattern up. It's going to be just a tube with a flap. When I finish, I'll post a picture.

Also since my last blog entry, I started learning to spin. So far all I've done is use some pencil roving with a small drop spindle. Of course with the pencil roving, I didn't have to draft the wool at all. (Is that cheating?!) I've watched some videos on YouTube that were very helpful. Several were by theartofMegan. Her blog also has the videos, I think. She uses a technique that she calls "spin and park". It was just enough help to give me some encouragement. I think it would be great to take some spinning classes, so we'll see. I did take one picture of my newly spun yarn, still on the spindle.

(The roving was also already dyed. Maybe I should learn how to dye also. Maybe not. )

Well, that's all for now. Here's to staying cool for the rest of the summer (because it IS still summer!)
Until next time....


1 comment:

Becky G said...

To me, summer ends when that first cool front comes through, usually in September. That signifies the start of fall in my mind, even though I know there are hot days still ahead.

Love the socks, and the spinning looks good.